textile cartographies - a participatory arts, crafts and design project
About the project
Textile Cartographies is a participatory action research project using textile arts as story telling coordinated by APECV Research Group on Arts, Community and Education (GriArCE) with groups from universities, schools and NGOs in Americas; Africa; Australia and Europe. This work was developed in Brasília - Brasil, in a course offered by the Design Department of the University of Brasília (UnB - Universidade de Brasília) coordinated by professors Celia Matsunaga, Angela Saldanha and Marisa Maass. The course resulted in an exhibition featuring the work made by the students and others that were sent from other locations.
This specific work was developed by Carolina Menezes, Vinícius Vinhal and Yara Monteiro.

We explored the relationship between emotions and hunger, asking our peers and friends which emotions brought the least and most hunger. The graph shows the level of hunger on the X-axis, also represented by the colors going from bright to dark. The Y-axis shows the age of the interviewees, going up as they get older.